Архитектура Санкт-Петербурга – 7 страница из 7

Путеводитель по архитектуре Питера

Архитектура Санкт-Петербурга особенная и неповторимая. Множество построек и домов — сокровища русской архитектуры, некоторые из них по праву можно назвать мировыми достижениями. Здесь работали и творили многие известные архитекторы — Росси, Растрелли, Монферран, Воронихин. Все они внесли большой вклад в развитие и облик города. В Санкт-Петербурге можно увидеть здания разных архитектурных стилей и эпох от барокко и классицизма до сталинского ампира и модернизма.

Arts Square in St Petersburg

Arts Square, initially called Mikhailovskaya Square, is an architectural ensemble in St Petersburg. It was designed in the first part of the 19th century by a great architect Carlo di Giovanni Rossi. The square is located close to Griboedov canal. History and layout For a…

The view on Isaac's Square from the Cathedral

Isaac's Square is one of the most beautiful and majestic squares of Saint Petersburg. Its ensemble includes several buildings, but the main one is, of course, Isaac's Cathedral. The formation of the square took 300 years until the construction of Isaac's Church. However, it got…

The image of Saint Petersburg is inextricably connected to bridges. One of the brightest attractions of the city is the Seven Bridges Point, known in Russian as Semimostye. It’s a place close to the intersection of Griboedov and Kryukov Canals. If you appear on the…

St Petersburg Senate Square

One of the oldest and well-recognized squares of St Petersburg. Senate Square started to form already in 1704, as a part of glacis next to the Admiralty which was initially planned not only as a shipyard, but also as a fortress. That’s why it was…

Troitsky bridge in St Petersburg Russia

Trinity Bridge (known is Russian as “Troitskiy”) is one of the largest and most beautiful bridges in Saint Petersburg. It’s the second longest raising one after the Alexander Nevsky bridge. It connects the Field of Mars and the Troitskaya Square on the Petrograd side of…