Российская Империя – 4 страница из 5

Обязательно посетите исторические достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга

Санкт-Петербург стал свидетелем множества значимых событий, поэтому он полон прекрасных и интересных исторических достопримечательностей. Собственно, вся история Российской Империи проходила в этом городе на Неве. Именно поэтому здесь так много исторических достопримечательностей. Зимний дворец, Петропавловская крепость, Спас на Крови, Исаакиевский собор, Царское Село — это лишь некоторые из самых известных, и этот список можно продолжить. Во время моих экскурсий вы увидите все самые захватывающие и великолепные исторические достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга.

Tauride Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Taudine Palace (Tavrichesky Dvorets) in Saint Petersburg is a former residence of the Knyaz Grigory Potemkin-Tavrichesky, a favourite of Catherine II. Today it’s the headquarters of the  Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States. History and architecture The palace complex was…

Beloselsky Palace in Saint Petersburg

Most likely every tourist who was walking along Nevsky prospekt saw this palace, located right in the city centre. Even Beloselsky palace was not initially in a sightseeing route, it’s hard not to pass it by thanks to its location next to Anichkov palace and…

Stroganov Palace by night

Stroganov Palace in the centre of Saint Petersburg is a unique building of baroque style, constructed in the 18th century. This huge house belonged to the ancient merchant family of Stroganov. The construction of the Palace takes special attention. History of construction In 1742 baron…

Moscow Gates in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Moscow Triumphal Gate was constructed in 1834-1838 by the architect Vasily Stasov. The monument is located on the way to Saint Petersburg from the south of Moscow outpost. Working on the reconstruction of the Narva Triumphal Gate, the architect started projecting the Moscow arch. Stasov…

Prison Crosses in Saint Petersburg, Russia

The prison “Crosses” (Russian: Kresty) in Saint Petersburg is the most famous Russian prison. The first isolator was constructed there already in 1868. There were 960 cells for up to 1800 people. The modern complex was projected in 1890 by the architect Antony Tomishko. The…

Narva Triumphal Gate in Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg is known for their sights dedicated to the triumph of the Russian weapon. One of the most impressive attractions is the Narva Triumphal Gate or, the Narva Triumphal Arch. This wonderful construction in the Empire style was erected in 1814 in honor of…

Mariinsky Palace on Isaac's Square in St Petersburg

Mariinsky Palace in Saint Petersburg had an essential role in the political life of Russia. Initially, it was home for the daughter of Nicolas I. Later, alongside with Winter and Tauride Palaces it was one of the political palaces of that time. The Palace served…

The water view on Sheremetev Palace

The former residence of the earls Sheremetevs is a cultural monument and a historical building in Saint Petersburg. Nowadays, there you will find one of the branches of St Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music. Actually, Sheremetev Palace is also called the Fountain House…

Monument to Alexander III in front of Marble palace

Marble palace is one of the most recognized buildings in St Petersburg, constructed in the 18th century. It was built in 1768-1785 under the order of Catherine II, who intended to present it to her favorite Grigory Orlov. The palace is called “Marble” thanks to…

Anichkov Palace in St Petersburg, Russia

Anichkov palace is the oldest building on Nevsky prospekt, one of the ten Imperial palaces of Saint Petersburg. This building has a special history: it was often presented, mostly as a sign of affection or for wedding. The palace is situated in the city centre…